Saturday, April 9, 2011

Event: GameKshetra 2011, Pune
Format: LAN
Game Info: JnP vs Error (Both from India)

It's Raining Metal

"Into the forest I walk alone
Down the winding path, through trees
I feel their eyes fastened upon me
I feel their evil stare"

- Very few can fathom the artistic salvation metal music has to offer. Others just listen and become part of the ever growing metal community in the country.

After being featured in the Global Metal documentary, being proud winners of the "Metal Hammer's Golden Gods" award, being invited to play in the metal fests in Europe, Demonic Resurrection is creating quite a stir in the world wide metal community and is certainly a must on the metal watch list.

Their latest masterpiece album "The Return To Darkness" has gained them worldwide applause and recognition for its quality. Music websites on the internet have termed this as "one of the best from India" with most of the reviews showing up a rewarding 8/10.

Founded in 2000, Demonic Resurrection, led by Sahil Makhija, the band's axe-man, vocalist and composer, has also been part of bands like Workshop, Infinite Hate Project, Reptilian Death, just to name a few. He also runs his own record label "Demonstealer Records" and has just launched a new initiative to help the upcoming metal scene in India- Demonic Consultancy.

Just like Demonic Resurrection, Another band from Hyderabad has slowly been catching up to the glamour of the metal industry - "Skrypt". Then, there is "Exhumation" from Mumbai who's fans are awaiting their new album slated to release on 7th March this year. Jack Daniel's Annual Rock Awards 2010 winner "Scribe" is a common household name and suddenly, there is just so much activity in the Indian Metal scene that it gets impossible to report all of it on a single page.

Bands like Demonic Resurrection, Exhumation, Asylum, Slain, Skrypt are certainly spear heading the metal music scene in India at the moment. What does that mean for the ever growing metal consumer market? Well, this invites some of the best metal bands over the world to play to the Indian audience, better our exposure to world metal music and help send into the Colosseum some of the best Indian Metal Gladiators.

The current metal scene has a larger following than all the years put together in history. Indian Metal Music has struggled through the years to be recognized in the international arena and now, with production quality reaching standards comparable to western bands, Indian bands have their stage set to bring out their creative juices and be heard by a larger audience. This is the dawn of a new era for the Metal and Rock industry as a whole. For us, who can't get enough of this ear-candy, we await the release of a next ground-breaking musical epic.

Note: This is an old article. I thought I'd share what I wrote. Hope you liked it.
Thanks a lot for reading this and please leave your comments/feedback.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

AMD's 6xxx series cards?

What is really going on with the release of these new cards and a new naming system?
Well I'm totally confused. When I first read about these cards a few weeks ago, I didn't know what to expect from these cards because I couldn't understand what to expect from a specific model.
Is the 6870 a 5870 replacement?
Well, no.. Read on..
Now for the people who are interested in the new 6xxx series, I've tried to do my best in compiling bits of information that I could gather from the internet.

Firstly, The Name Change:

From the information that I've been able to gather, TSMC, ATI's fabrication plant was unable to deliver cards based on the 32nm manufacturing technology. Now the 32nm would have allowed ATI to reduce the cost per GPU die while achieving higher clock speeds and lowering power consumption. What ATI have gone ahead and done is continuing to manufacture the 5700 series cards while renaming this to the new 6800 series.
Check out this article for more: (

Allright, So first we have the 6800 series cards. 6870 and the 6850.

These cards are based on the Barts core that we saw in the 5700 series.

In the 6900 Series, We've got 6970 and the 6950.

  • Up to 800MHz Engine Clock
  • 2GB GDDR5 Memory
  • 1250MHz Memory Clock (5.0 Gbps GDDR5)
  • 160 GB/s memory bandwidth (maximum)
  • 2.25 TFLOPs Single Precision compute power
  • 562.5 GFLOPs Double Precision compute power
  • Double slot form factor
  • TeraScale 3 Unified Processing Architecture
    • 1408 Stream Processors
    • 88 Texture Units
    • 128 Z/Stencil ROP Units
    • 32 Color ROP Units and so on..
    (For full specs:


    AMD Radeon 6870 - $239 ( Around Rs. 11k to 12k)
    AMD Radeon 6850 - $179 (Around Rs. 9k to Rs. 10k)
    AMD Radeon 6970 - $369.99 (Around Rs.17k to 20k)
    AMD Radeon 6950 - $299.99 (Around Rs. 16k to Rs. 18k)   

    Now, Check this out!! (Source

    GPU comparisons

    Graphics cards Current pricing GPU clock (MHz) Stream processors Shader clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Memory bus (bits) Graphics driver
    HIS Radeon HD 5970 2,048MB  £425 725 1,600 x 2 725 4,000 256  x 2 Catalyst 10.10P
    HIS Radeon HD 6970 2,048MB XF £558 880 1,536 x 2 775 5,500 256 x 2 Catalyst 10.12P
    HIS Radeon HD 6970 2,048MB £279 880 1,536 775 5,500 256 Catalyst 10.12P
    AMD Radeon HD 6950 2,048MB £225 800 1,408 775 5,000 256 Catalyst 10.12P
    Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 1,024MB XF £290 775 960 x 2 775 4,000 256  x 2 Catalyst 10.10P
    Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 1,024MB £145 775 960 775 4,000 256 Catalyst 10.10P
    Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 1,024MB £235 825 1,600 825 4,800 256 Catalyst 10.10P
    HIS Radeon HD 6870 1,024MB £180 900 1,120 900 4,200 256 Catalyst 10.10P
    HIS Radeon HD 5850 1,024MB XF £360 725 1,440 x 2 725 4,000 256 x2 Catalyst 10.10P
    HIS Radeon HD 5850 1,024MB  £180 725 1,440  725 4,000 256  Catalyst 10.10P
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 1,536MB SLI £778 772 512 x 2 1,544 4,008 384 x 2 ForceWare 262.99
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 1,536MB £389 772 512 1,544 4,008 384 ForceWare 262.99
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 1,280MB £259 732 480 1,464 3,800 320 ForceWare 263.09
    ASUS GeForce GTX 480 1,536MB £320 700 480 1,401 3,698 384 ForceWare 262.99
    ASUS GeForce GTX 470 1,280MB £189 607 448 1,215 3,348 320 ForceWare 260.89
    KFA GeForce GTX 460 1,024MB SLI £290 675 336 x 2 1,350 3,600 256 x 2 ForceWare 260.89
    KFA GeForce GTX 460 1,024MB £145 675 336  1,350 3,600 256  ForceWare 260.89
    EVGA GeForce GTX 460 768MB £125 675 336  1,350 3,600 192  ForceWare 260.89

    If you had the money, Would you buy an ATI 6-series card or would you buy a nVidia 5 series?